OIZOM specializes in manufacturing and designing accurate Air quality Monitoring systems and offering advanced data analytics founded in 2015, India. OIZOM is currently present in more than 50 countries, providing air pollution measuring systems. OIZOM technology has gained the trust and confidence of air quality experts across the globe.
We Macon Enviro Technologies has teamed up with OIZOM to supply and services of its products in India.
OIZOM air monitoring systems currently monitor the environmental health of more than 14 million people. Additionally sensor-based systems have capabilities of up to 30 various environmental parameters.
List of OIZOM’s range of Products.
1. Ambient Air Quality Monitoring System (Polludrone).
2. Odour Monitoring Equipment (Odosense).
3. Real Time Dust Monitor (Dustroid).
4. Automatic Weather Station (Weathercom).
5. Industrial Air Quality Monitor (AQBot).
Please Visit https://oizom.com/for more information.