Bulk Material Handling System
Bulk material handling system is an essential part of all industries that process bulk ingredients like minerals, metals, finished products, chemicals, polymer, etc.
The main function of a bulk material handling system is to continuously transport and supply bulk materials to units in processing plants. Secondary functions include storage and blending. In bulk material handling system, raw materials are received from various modes for example trucks, trains etc.
The bulk material handling system typically composed of stationary machinery such as conveyor belts, screw conveyors, bucket elevators, hoppers and diverters and various mobile equipment’s.
We at Macon Enviro Technologies with our vast experience on material handling systems work out the best economical solution & best suitable equipment’s for client’s conveying requirements.
Macon has supplied and successfully installed Material handling systems in industries like Alumina industry, mineral processing, alternate fuel handling & coke handling systems.
Material handling Projects by Macon:
- Petcoke unloading & conveying Project at Vedanta, Jharsuguda
- Feldspar processing unit at Guddur for Gimpex.
- AFR handling conveyor for cement Plant at Rajasthan.
- Alumina handling system for Vedanta Alumina under installation.