PHOENIX S&T’s develops and sells instruments and consumables to dramatically boost the performance and sensitivity of mass spectrometer detection of biomolecules inproteomics and biomaker discovery and its based in USA. Phoenix S&T has leveraged multi-million dollars of federal contracts and grants to develop these unique and effective products for the bio-analyses using mass spectrometry.
We Macon Enviro Technologies are Authorised of Phoenix s&t to sell its products in India.
Phoenix S&T core technology leads to products that dramatically enhance the performance and sample throughput of nanoLC and micro-LC-MS with easy to use tools and devices. Virtually all the Phoenix products are results of collaborations with and requests from customers.
List of Phoenix s&t’s range of Products.
1. Jailbreak Column Heater.
2. NanoLC Column Heater and Temperature Controller.
3. The Butterfly Heater.
4. Low Temperature Coolers for H/D Exchange.
Please Visit for more information.